Repair after an accident
We provide remote assistance in the restoration of Tesla cars
We perform both software work and assistance in finding and methods of solving physical problems related to electrical equipment and wiring
With the help of our specialists, you can repair your car in the absence of specialized services
We can remotely monitor your repairs at all points:
- unloading of a car from the trailer (removal from a parking brake, to lift a pneumo an air suspension bracket)
- the first start of the car after the accident
- start of the high-voltage battery
- computer diagnostics (reading errors on all blocks, explanation of errors, sequence of works for localization and troubleshooting)
- error removal and air suspension start
- airbag bug cleaning
- stitching of keys (remotely not on all models)
- software update after replacement of missing or damaged units
- calibration and adaptation if necessary
- replacement of navigation, car region, lights as needed